If you are a little unsure about what to expect from using a creatine supplement don't worry, you aren't alone. Not by a long shot. Despite being the most purchased muscle building supplement of the last twenty years, as a trainer I meet gym users every day who don't know what this supplement is actually supposed to do for their muscle growth progress.
Most of the supplement industry is built around hype. Each product will tell you that you 'need' it to get a good workout and try to make you believe it's the best thing since sliced bread. That's just life. But usually this also leads to companies trying to over complicate matters by simply confusing people with science. Most people never get past the beginner stages of supplement knowledge because they're led to believe that you need to be a rocket scientist to build muscle.
When we get down to it, this is a very simple supplement to understand.
This isn't a superhuman substance developed by scientists. In fact it is already inside your body right now, it's generated by the human body. So don't worry about it being illegal or steroid-like.
So what does it actually do to you and why should you use it?
This is where most folks get lost in jargon, each supplement trying to over sell you with scientific know how to beat their competition and simply leaving you with a sore head. We're not going to do that here.
Think about when you sprint outside. For the first fifteen seconds you practically fly at full speed, but then what happens? Usually you'll be forced to slow down by you body as a burning sensation fills your legs. This sensation is known as lactic acid and is your body's way of telling you it can't keep exercising at the same level of intensity.
Your body's natural resources of this supplement have ran out. You will be able to carry on running, albeit at a greatly reduced speed, while it builds back up in the background. After a few minutes you will probably be able to blast out another high intensity sprint when your levels of explosive strength have regenerated.
By taking this supplement you are able to increase your levels of explosive strength.
A better example would be in the form of a boxer. How many fights have you watched where one competitor appears to have run out of gas only to suddenly get another burst of energy, often referred to as a second wind, and win the fight?
Now put this into a gym situation. Having that little bit extra explosive strength to call upon can allow you to go a little bit harder for a little bit longer, and make literally all the difference when it comes to increasing your strength and building lean muscle mass.
This can result in a slightly heavier lift, or maybe another rep you previously could never perform. And in a nutshell, without any over complicated science talk, that's how creatine works.
Most of the supplement industry is built around hype. Each product will tell you that you 'need' it to get a good workout and try to make you believe it's the best thing since sliced bread. That's just life. But usually this also leads to companies trying to over complicate matters by simply confusing people with science. Most people never get past the beginner stages of supplement knowledge because they're led to believe that you need to be a rocket scientist to build muscle.
When we get down to it, this is a very simple supplement to understand.
This isn't a superhuman substance developed by scientists. In fact it is already inside your body right now, it's generated by the human body. So don't worry about it being illegal or steroid-like.
So what does it actually do to you and why should you use it?
This is where most folks get lost in jargon, each supplement trying to over sell you with scientific know how to beat their competition and simply leaving you with a sore head. We're not going to do that here.
Think about when you sprint outside. For the first fifteen seconds you practically fly at full speed, but then what happens? Usually you'll be forced to slow down by you body as a burning sensation fills your legs. This sensation is known as lactic acid and is your body's way of telling you it can't keep exercising at the same level of intensity.
Your body's natural resources of this supplement have ran out. You will be able to carry on running, albeit at a greatly reduced speed, while it builds back up in the background. After a few minutes you will probably be able to blast out another high intensity sprint when your levels of explosive strength have regenerated.
By taking this supplement you are able to increase your levels of explosive strength.
A better example would be in the form of a boxer. How many fights have you watched where one competitor appears to have run out of gas only to suddenly get another burst of energy, often referred to as a second wind, and win the fight?
Now put this into a gym situation. Having that little bit extra explosive strength to call upon can allow you to go a little bit harder for a little bit longer, and make literally all the difference when it comes to increasing your strength and building lean muscle mass.
This can result in a slightly heavier lift, or maybe another rep you previously could never perform. And in a nutshell, without any over complicated science talk, that's how creatine works.
About the Author:
About the Writer: Russ Howe is an established Personal Trainer. Watch our free guide to get the most from creatine immediately.
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