1. Weight Loss Foods
My main advice would be to concentrate on what foods you are eating. It is far easier to control how many calories you consume than to try and exercise the calories away. Your nutrition will be 75% of the equation to lose the pregnancy weight you desire.
Concentrate on eating wholesome foods that are not processed, a.k.a., it doesn't come from the middle aisles of the grocery store. So, no processed foods like chips, cookies, and fake food that tries to resemble real food.
When you eat mostly fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and legumes, that haven't been processed or changed with chemicals and additives, you are eating pure, whole food. Food that is nutritionally the best for your body. Plus, it tastes better!
2. Exercise to Burn Fat
Exercise is the next component (of course) for fast weight loss tips. Sure, you can just change your diet and lose weight, but exercise will help you lose the weight faster! And, who doesn't want that?
Do any type of exercise you enjoy to do. That way, you are more likely to stick with it.
If you do a bootcamp because your co-worker got great results, great. But if you hate those types of exercises, you'll be one of the first people to drop out.
I've tried P90X, and while it did work, I didn't have the perseverance to continue with the maintenance program. I stopped after the 90 days, and the weight slowly came back.
What I do love is walking and running, and my neighbors can tell you that I love it too! It's because they see me out walking and running 5-6 days a week.
With exercise you love to do, you'll be able to lose belly fat fast, and keep it off in the long run.
3. Slow and Steady Wins the Race
It's so easy to get caught up in the hype of losing a ton of weight all at once. But, it doesn't work that way.
You are working to lose weight AND keep it off for the rest of your lifetime. Not just for the next 90 days.
So, give yourself the best chance for success by setting realistic, but challenging goals. For example, plan on losing 4 pounds in one month. Or, if you'd like a greater challenge, lose 8 pounds in one month.
Build up your successes from there. Once you know you can do it, the rest will get easier as time goes on.
4. Your 30 Day Challenge
Once you've lost your 4 or 8 pounds over the course of a month, set another monthly goal. It's great to set monthly goals because you give yourself a deadline to meet.
The next month after, continue with your next 4-8 pound weight loss and add one more thing. How about substituting a white starch like white rice with green vegetables?
Everyday, you'll eat one green vegetable instead of the usual starchy food you would eat. You keep building upon your accomplishments, and the weight will drop off. It did for me.
5. Keep doing What Works
Sometimes, I can get caught up doing something that doesn't work. It took me 20 plus years to finally realize that what I ate mattered more than exercising.
I was always athletic growing up. I'd run, play tennis, and I was in the marching band. I was pretty slim in my teenage years. But then my twenties hit, and I gained my Freshman 15 in college.
My weight would go up and down. Then I got married, and I gained my Newlywed 15. I'd keep exercising, but continue eating junk.
Well, I started eating more weight loss foods, and started to lose the weight much easier. I thought, "Well, this is working, maybe I should keep going?"
Lo, and behold, I lost a total of 58 pounds after my first pregnancy. And, I lost most of it by changing my eating habits, eating more nutrient dense foods.
Learn what works for you, and continue to repeat the process. These fast weight loss tips are simple ideas that can turn what used to be a struggle with weight into effortless weight loss after your pregnancy.
Plus, see how these weight loss foods helped me lose weight after having my first baby.
Kristine Kay helps moms lose up to 25 pounds of belly fat in 90 days without military exercise, starvation diets, or expensive diet pills. Subscribe to her free newsletter at http://www.FatLossForMoms.com and get instant access to exclusive tips of her all natural approach to losing weight and keeping it off. Losing weight after pregnancy just got easier.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kristine_Kay
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