dimanche 4 août 2013

Identifying Barriers To Healthy Weight Loss

By Rey Vetangelo

Many Americans today wish that they could lose weight. They report high body dissatisfaction and a feeling that they are not desirable or beautiful. This is a tragedy indeed. While many of these individuals would probably do well to lose weight, there is a significant amount of individuals who want to lose an unhealthy amount of weight.

They do not accept their bodies no matter what size they are. A woman might have her doctor perform a complicated weight loss surgery because she does not want to take the time and put in the effort that is required to lose weight the healthy way.

Bodily efficiency influences how fast you digest foods as well as how well you burn fats. Each mineral and vitamin is provided by a different natural element, e.g. meats, dairy, plants, vegetables, carbohydrates, and even sugar. Your body works best when these minerals and vitamins are balanced. The key to balancing your mineral and vitamin intake is to carefully plan what you eat.

A good tool to follow is the food pyramid, which suggests you intake 6-11 servings of carbohydrates, 3-5 servings of vegetables, 2-4 servings of fruits, 2-3 servings each of dairy and meats, and sparingly intake fats, oils and sweets. Many of the diet programs will champion varying amounts of each food group as well.

Popular diets work because they hit the basic vitamins and minerals your body needs to run efficiently. A balanced diet alone won't fix the problem as you can still overeat. Without weight loss surgery, your body will never be able to work off all of that extra fat without an adjustment in portion sizes. Hence, if you eat less you intake fewer fats that will build up what your body is trying to work off.

This is where controlled portion sizes come into play. One of the reasons people don't finish diet plans is because they don't feel satisfied in the first weeks. Dieters give up early because they're still hungry after a meal. The diet won't work though if the dieter gives in to the hunger.

If you find that that is true for you, then you will want to find other avenues to de-stress rather than gorging yourself on unhealthy foods. There are many different hobbies you can have that you can do rather than eat excessive food. A common problem in our society today is the fact that many people want to ban certain foods from their lives. For example, many people think they shouldn't eat any sweets. This means no donuts, no cake, no cookies, nothing that is sweet. These are forbidden foods; if they're going to be skinny, they can't eat those foods ever.

What happens next is the person slips up and has one of the forbidden foods. Many times, that person will think all hope is lost and that they have failed at their diet.

Conscious exercise is living a life looking for excuses to move, not excuses to rest. That kind of exercise helps you increase your metabolism and burn away the excess pounds. These are the three secrets to the success of any diet plan. In a majority of cases, the reason a plan involving these three elements doesn't work is because the dieter isn't willing to follow the diet to the "t."

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