mercredi 26 juin 2013

Doing Yoga at Home

By Sienna Nalin

It is understandable that during this economy spending money on certain things is a stretch for you. Well you can do yoga at home. Here are some helpful tips to doing yoga at home. Hopefully you will make yoga a regular thing in your life.

Designate a space - There is no need to rearrange your furniture every time you roll out your mat at home. You can still set the stage in one small area of your house to create the perfect sanctuary for your practice.

When choosing a spot to do yoga in your house, make sure that it is a calming spot. Not only when choosing a spot, make sure that area has nice lightening, enough space and is free from clutter. Make that space we warm and welcoming so that you can have a great yoga experience.

Pencil it in - It is important to schedule your home practice session so it becomes a part of your to-do list. Choose a time when you are least affected by life's little distractions. For example, you would be better off doing your at-home yoga routine after you normally feed and walk the family pet, to lessen the chance of the anxious dog disrupting your downward dog.

It is also necessary to start your home practice on time. Just as in a yoga class, coming in late disturbs the flow and energy of the practice. If you set your practice for six o'clock on Tuesday mornings, use the same discipline it takes to get to the yoga studio on time, and start your home practice in a timely fashion, too.

Time your session - Choose your desired duration, and then set a timer. Would you walk out of your yoga class before it was over because you got distracted? No, you would stay the course. Have the same attitude when you practice at home.

...Learn more at No Yoga Class? No Problem. 3 Ways to Successfully Practice at Home

Fellow yogis with very busy schedules and budgeting yogis, I hope this will help you begin your journey of doing yoga at home so that it is more convenient for you. This should alleviate some stress too.

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