vendredi 14 juin 2013

How Playing Tennis Will Help You Be Fit As Per A Personal Trainer In Newport Beach

By Michael Petry

Most residents of Newport Beach belong to the upper class income bracket. They have the resources to get a personal trainer in Newport Beach to keep them fit all throughout the year. They work with a personal trainer that can introduce a number of activities that could help them lose weight.

Tennis As A Fitness Activity

Tennis is among the ways to keep a person healthy and fit. Listed here are the reasons on why playing tennis is going to help you be fit according to a personal trainer in Newport Beach.

Tennis improves your hand and feet coordination, stamina, concentration, agility and speed, and overall physical health. A personal trainer would require you to perform some tennis drills to be fit and healthy.

* Backhand/Forehand strokes

Tennis is a very strenuous sport activity. Stamina is required to finish a tennis match, which could last for an hour or even more. A personal trainer would require you to jog or to run two miles or more in order to strengthen and improve your stamina.

These two tennis strokes will strengthen your shoulders, biceps, triceps, and upper back muscles. It would also improve your hand and feet coordination, as each stroke requires proper foot movement to hit the ball on time and to avoid getting off-balanced.

These movements are ways on how playing tennis will help you be fit according to a Personal trainer in Newport Beach.

* Jogging/Running

These two tennis strokes will strengthen your shoulders, biceps, triceps, and upper back muscles. It would also improve your hand and feet coordination, as each stroke requires proper foot movement to hit the ball on time and to avoid getting off-balanced.

These movements are ways on how playing tennis will help you be fit according to a Personal trainer in Newport Beach.

* Ball catching

This drill would help you learn on how to anticipate a ball, whether it would be given on your forehand or backhand side. It develops your leg muscles, and stamina as well, for it requires running.

* Ball catching

This drill would help you learn on how to anticipate a ball, whether it would be given on your forehand or backhand side. It develops your leg muscles, and stamina as well, for it requires running.

The drills above are among the ways on how playing tennis is going to help you be fit according to a personal trainer in Newport Beach. Hiring a personal trainer will help you become a stronger and healthier person.

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